Personalized service that you won't find online: with special attention to corporate travel policy, providing the best option.

As opposed to the biggest players on the market, Platinum promises and gives personal attention to all its dear customers. For us, everyone is SOMEBODY, and not just one of many. Each member of our team is passionate about their profession, and are devoted to organize our customers' trips. Our goal is a win-win situation.

Contact us

Main services

  • 24/7 availability in 365 days of the year through dedicated travel experts

  • Multiple invoicing and registration constructions that are implemented according to the needs of the client, based on our agreement

  • Personalized travel arrangements for every needs

  • VIP services (anything travellers need, fullfilment of individual and special requests)

  • Total organization of your leisure travelings , from the planning until the last day of the trip

üzleti utaztatás

Production entertainment travelFOR THE MOVIE AND MOTION PICTURE INDUSTRY

Platinum Travel Solutions team has been dealing with production entertainment travel since 2010. During this period, we have taken part in organizing trips for hundreds of productions, coordinating about 100,000 trips. We dare to say that we know what are this special sector's needs.

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Leisure travelI contact a travel agency vs I buy it myself

Nowadays, "everyone's able to" organize a trip. Indeed, you can buy anything online. Question: what does the traveler need? Only products? Or a reliable background that you can rely on before, during and after your trip? Platinum Travel does not sell travel products (e.g. flight tickets, accommodation, etc.) Platinum Travel provides service!

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flightmode logo
leisure travel

Our goal is a win-win situation.

Platinum: the highest level service fo anyone, anytime. It's no coincidence that so many famous brands use the name Platinum for their high-end services.

Borsányi Balázs Chief Executive

Szabadidős utaztatás


1078 Budapest | Nefelejcs utca 51.